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Peer reviewed Journal articles

Fassbender, M.L., Hannington, M., Baxter, A.T., Diekrup, D., Stewart, M.S., Brandl, P.A., 2023. Geochemical Signatures of Mafic Volcanic Rocks in Modern Oceanic Settings and Implications for Archean Mafic Magmatism. Economic Geology (accepted).

Fassbender, M.L., Hannington, M., Stewart, M.S., Brandl, P.A., Baxter, A.T., Diekrup, D., 2023. Geochemical Signatures of Felsic Volcanic Rocks in Modern Oceanic Settings and Implications for Archean Greenstone Belts. Economic Geology, Volume 118, Issue 2, p. 319-345.

Stewart, M.S., Hannington, M.D., Emberley, J., Baxter, A.T., Krätschel, A., Petersen, S., Brandl, P.A., Anderson, M.O., Mercier-Langevin, P., Mensing, R., Breker, K., Fassbender, M.L., 2022. A new geological map of the Lau Basin reveals crustal growth processes in arc-backarc systems. Geosphere.

Brandt, S., Fassbender, M.L., Klemd, R., Macauley, C., Felfer, P., Haase, K., 2021. Cumulate olivine: A novel host for HREE mineralization. Geology, Volume 49, Issue 4, p. 457-462.

Brandt, S., Klemd, R., Haase, K., Fassbender, M.L., Vennemann, T., 2020. Formation of the Vergenoeg F-Fe-REE Deposit (South Africa) by Accumulation from a Ferroan Silicic Magma. Journal of Petrology, Volume 60, Issue 12, p. 2339-2368.

Conference talks and poster presentations

Fassbender, M.L., Hannington, M., Baxter, A., Diekrup D., Stewart, M., Brandl, P., (2022). Archean mafic magmatism: Insights from modern intraoceanic back-arc basins and mid-ocean ridges. Prospectors and Developers Association Canada Conference, Canada 2022.

Ryan, M., Hannington, M., Baxter, A.T., Stewart, M.S., Breker, K., Fassbender, M.L., 2022. Analysis of magmatic productivity at the Rochambeau Rifts, northern Lau back-arc Basin. Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Conference, Canada 2022.

Fassbender, M.L., Hannington, M., Stewart, M.S., Brandl, P.A., Baxter, A.T., Diekrup, D., 2021. Geochemical Signatures of Felsic Volcanic Rocks in Modern Oceanic Settings and Implications for Archean Greenstone Belts. 100th Anniversary Society of Economic Geology Conference, Canada 2021.

Fassbender, M.L., Hannington, M., Brandl, P.A., Stewart, M.S., Baxter, A.T., Diekrup, D., 2020. Geochemical evolution of back-arc spreading regimes – a multivariate analysis of Lau Basin volcanic rocks. Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Conference, Canada 2020.

Fassbender, M. L., Stewart, M.S., Hannington, M., 2019. Volcanic Rock Geochemistry of the Lau Basin and its implications for Seafloor Mappic. GAC-MAC-IAH Conference, Canada 2019.

Fassbender, M.L., Hannington, M., Stewart, M.S., 2019. Volcanic Rock Geochemistry of the Lau Basin: Unexpected Complexity of Active back-arc spreading centers. Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Conference, Canada 2019.

Fassbender, M.L., Brandt, S., Klemd, R., Haase, K., 2017. Magmatic origin of the Vergenoeg F-Fe-REE deposit, South Africa: GeoBremen 2017. Joint Meeting of the German Geological Society and the German Mineralogical Society, Germany.

Fassbender, M.L., Brandt, S., Klemd, R., Haase, K., 2017. The petrogenetic evolution of the Vergenoeg F-Fe-REE deposit, South Africa: Insights from primary Fayalite rocks. 2nd Postgraduate Conference on the Geology of Ore Deposits, Germany.


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